Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The nature of life

Life is a tantalizing ocean; the more you profusely swim in it; the more it envelops your cloudburst of inexplicable agonies; with its enchantingly rhapsodic tanginess,

Life is a ravishing cloud; the more insatiably you float in it; the more it encapsulates your monotonously beleaguered senses; in an entrenchment of mystically voluptuous sensuousness,

Life is a blazing Sun; the more unflinchingly you stare at it; the more it magnanimously bequeaths upon you the tenacity; to surge relentlessly forward towards your philanthropically divine goals,

Life is a tingling dewdrop; the more bountifully you caress it; the more it enshrouds every element of your disastrously dwindling persona; with majestically tranquil compassion,

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